Corporate Sponsors
Does your company want to support the the Punks? Do you see a value in being affiliated with us?
Below is a list of different ways in which your company could cooperate with the Punks. We are open to discuss any solution to possible art sponsorship. Don´t hesitate to contact us.
1. "Food for rehearsal" - 25 000 SEK
With this sponsorship you will be thanked on our website and social medias. We will send a full Merchpackage (Program, dvd, hoddie, t-shirt, lighter, poster) to up to 4 of your employers. We will also sign and frame a photo of the Punks for U to hang in the office as well as the Punks photo year calender. When it is time for a show close to your area you will be invited for VIP seats and guestlist for your friends.
2. "Directors wage" - 50 000 SEK
In this deal you recieve the same as in "Food for rehearsals" but with further exposure. Your company logo will be be visible on our website, social media, poster, program and DVD.
3. "One show" - 100 000 SEK
Same deal as in "Directors Wage" but with more extensive eposure of your company logo. Logo on tourbus, van and trailer.
4. "Wages for the tour" - 500 000 SEK
All the above but with larger logos on the vehicles and on the perimiter of show area.We will also give you a smaller show/workshop for your kickoff/christmas entertainment with your company. An inspiring lecture about circus as a work and lifestyle will also be offered.
There are many other ways of sponsoring us and helping us tour our shows around the world. Anything from exlusive shows for only your company to hot air balloons , give aways etc. Don´t hesitate to contact us so we can find a way to cooporate.
Click here for Contact around sponsorshipdeals